Natascha was interviewed at some length by telephone by American DJ Larry Flint, live on air for the huge Sirius Radio network on Monday (24th November 2008) at 3.00 p.m. UK time (10.00 a.m. New York time).

This was not just a little “Hello, I’m passing through” spot, but an in-depth chat about Natascha’s music, influences, motivation, personality, etc. and the lovely Larry gave her and her music a full 20-minute spot on his show. In the course of their chat he played clips from 7 of her songs from the new album to give his listeners a sample of what they can expect when they can get their hands on a copy.

We are delighted to report that after the show there was considerable favourable audience reaction to her music and Larry has invited her back in person the next time she visits New York. He even compared If I WAS A Boy (which has been on heavy rotation on his show) with Beyonce’s If I WERE A Boy (a different song) and said that his listeners preferred Natascha’s !

This was by far the longest radio interview that she has ever given so far – and Sirius is a huge station in the US with several million subscribers.

Big thanks to Larry Flint for his interest and kindness, and to the rest of the studio team.